Application & Fee Schedule

Join Now or Pay for your Renewal

New to the Chamber?
Fees are based on company size. You may browse the pricing tiers below or shop for your membership option on the shop page.

Member Spotlight:

Digital Sponsor:

Business Membership Pricing

Employees Base OCC/CCC Fee HST Total Membership
Owner/Operator $195.00 $15.00 $24.70 $214.70
2 to 10 $275.00 $15.00 $34.45 $299.45
11 to 25 $299.00 $15.00 $37.70 $327.70
26 to 50 $350.00 $15.00 $44.20 $384.20
51 to 75 $399.00 $15.00 $50.70 $440.70
76 to 100 $475.00 $15.00 $57.20 $497.20
101 to 500 $950.00 $15.00 $105.95 $920.95
501 & Over $1,200.00 $15.00 $131.95 $1,146.95

*Please note: 2 Part Time = 1 Full Time Employee

Not for Profit Membership

Associations, Service Agencies, Churches:

Item Base OCC/CCC Fee HST Total Membership
Amount $150.00 $15.00 $18.20 $158.20

Individual/Retired Membership

Without Business Association:

Item Base OCC/CCC Fee HST Total Membership
Amount $75.00 $15.00 $11.70 $101.70

New Entrepreneurs

First 2 years of Business and less than 5 employees

Employees Base OCC/CCC Fee HST Total Membership
0-5 $125.00 $15.00 $14.95 $129.95

*A savings of $84.75 – $151.25/year for two years


For Current Full-Time Students, 21 Years or Younger

$25.00 All Inclusive

*Must commit 10 hours of volunteer service with the Simcoe and District Chamber of Commerce or one of its members in each membership year.

Includes OCC & CCC

All Memberships Include the Ontario Chamber of Commerce and Canadian Chamber of Commerce Affiliation Fee. Bonus!